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Tamansari Kahyangan Residence

A concept of residential that makes you can enjoy your life optimally, by combining the styles of living; Exclusive, Serene, Modern & Artful (E-SMART). Enhancing the harmony of your life with dazzling types of cluster, as well as commercial areas and recreational facilities that complement your life completely....

IDR 424 jt - 2.5 M
Rp. 424 jt - 2.5 M

Tamansari Lagoon Manado

Tamansari Lagoon is a High Rise project of PT Wika Realty in collaboration with PT. Filadelfia Family Blessing. Tamansari Lagoon is developed with a concept Mixed-Use Building, where a variety of activities and functions are mutually supported and interconnected together in the same building....

IDR 798 jt - 6.5 M
Rp. 798 jt - 6.5 M

Grand Taman Melati Margonda 2

Setelah Grand Taman Melati Margonda sukses dengan dua tower sebelumnya yang berhasil terjual 100%, PT Adhi Persada Properti kembali menghadirkan tower terbaru yang bertajuk Grand Taman Melati Margonda 2. Masih di lokasi yang sama, Grand Taman Melati Margonda 2 juga dikelilingi dengan fasilitas perkantoran dan kawasan komersial. saat ini apartemen kami siap huni dan okupansi kami 90%. ...

IDR 612 jt - 1.4 M
Rp. 612 jt - 1.4 M

Mardhika Park Bekasi

Apartemen Mardhika Bekasi merupakan salah satu project terbaru dari PT. Adhi Persada Properti yang menghadirkan hunian idaman dalam jangkauan memiliki luas area 1,5 Ha berlokasi di Jl. Kebon Kelapa - Bekasi....

IDR 284.9 jt - 631.9 jt
Rp. 284.9 jt - 631.9 jt